
Seems to me like Beric/Thoros may be heading to their end. They've both said the lord of light has kept them around for some purpose, but being that they aren't seemingly crucial to any of the other threads hanging out there, just something in my gut says this is that purpose (maybe Beric and his flaming sword slow

The book Stannis as we know him through 5 books wouldn't burn his daughter. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him get that desperate in the next book though

Had Drogon been killed, Tyrion's trepidation would have been justified. Especially seeing that Tyrion seems to genuinely believe Jon, risking one of the only three dragons in the world attacking a grain train when the army of the dead is looming may have seemed a bit rash

I would wager she will make an appearance. Bran's "evidence" of Jon's parentage would be awful tough to believe without eyewitness corroboration the likes of which can only be provided by Howland Reed

more likely a way to get the necessary pieces in place after having cut that storyline

or he's catching Littlefinger in a lie - pretty obvious nobody trusts him, for good reason. Then Bran tips his hand with the whole "chaos is a ladder" bit - as in "I see everything, you donk. you tried to kill me, and I know it, so…(insert reason this knowledge is helpful down the road)"

the whole attack was impulsive. She had been getting her butt kicked everywhere that it mattered - going back to destroy the weapon after the near miss seemed reasonable, even if it was stupid

Couple thoughts:
- Golden Company to Westeros continues bringing show in line with abandoned book storylines (if I recall, Dorne and Golden Company in the books are backing the abandoned storyline of the possibly-but-probably-not Targaryen; Show quickly dispatched with Dorne making that exclusion moot. I wouldn't be