
Wearing a fedora alone is good reason for other people to scoot very slowly away from you before you open your mouth.

I mean, honestly what could Archie have done? Football-tackle the suspect? Mumford and son-serenade the clues out of the mystery?

Wait so we'll have to wait several seasons for him to be the lovable Archie we all know and love, and THEN we'll find that someone's murdered him, a la Katie Cassidy? XD

I think the teenager freakout was well justified - Veronica has been super accommodating and rational towards everyone up to that point. Seeing Veronica ditch Archie and join the pussycats actually felt kinda cathartic, like she was 'allowed' to reminiscence/relive her past as the it girl that everyone looks at in awe.

Also Jughead trying to wedge himself between Betty and the orderlies long enough for Betty to hug her sister ;__;

I'm now thinking of scenarios where I can potentially shout 'You ginger Judas!' to someone with abandon.

I actually keep watching for the thrill of watching one of these rich people die or murder each other.

Trump fans just need their safe spaces, where they can slather everything with ketchup and grab all the pussies they want.

Ikr, steakhouses are supposed to be safe spaces! SAD!

Even skinwalkers would pick a nicer skin to settle on, tbh. Creatures of the night DO have standards too, you know.

Never go to Japan, or Korea, or any part of Southeast Asia, fair warning.

'professional' was not in the job description anyway.

With this administration, the silver linings are getting increasingly dubious.

Here's hoping for a more character-centric effort. Snowpiercer was conceptually and visually superb, but I was kinda let down with the characters since my first impression of Joon Ho had been his oftentimes heartwrenching 'The Host'.

I suddenly have terrifying flashbacks of countless online dating profiles where the person calls themselves 'quirky'.

Ahhhh, to have the level of culpability of a white male <3

Also, if you're a mediocre swimmer/artist/businessman. Scrap that, it basically just comes down to the color of your skin, duh.

Oh, Larry. All these mixed signals are never going to get you laid.

She looks like how a large portion of the female population usually looks at 27 (Which apparently is a problem for some people, I guess)

"Steakhouses are supposed to be safe spaces!!"