
I like your style <3

Very consistently American, though

This is such a wonderful analysis! Thank you <3

Maybe that guy just has the amazing luck of always landing weekend night shifts? D:

Tbh dodgeball would still have one too many rules for him.

I have to say that your username is highly relevant to this comment XD

Hey, Archie is technically 70-ish years old. I'd say you're definitely in the target demographics ;)

I do wish that I can do that and more to the person who molested my sister. But hey, that's just me, loose morals and all that ;)

Damnit it Felicity still hanging around?

There's still time yet, don't lose hope.

The Betty x Veronica interactions were EVERYTHING, tbh.

This is such a relatable comment <3

Hmm, I vaguely remember Teen Wolf doing something like this. However I also remember more clearly that the adventurous lesbian couple died ._.

I mean, 'dapper Nazis' are a thing too. But i guess they were always a fancy bunch, what with Hugo Boss and all :/

When they said that national parks, dictionaries, and Teen Vogue were now the spearhead of our revolution, I was still like okay I guess, this is my life and my country now. But now that they're saying that Shia LaBeouf is the one to look to, I know I'm living in a YA dystopia novel.

But then moffat would be sad because his sherlock won't be the bestest smartest guy anymore :p

I legit thought that the little boy was the fourth Holmes child until my friend told me otherwise at the end. The whole things was just so muddy and jumbled up that I found out I didn't care either way :/

The only way Moftiss seem to be able to write their women is either as obedient sidekicks, hostages/collateral, or just simply dead.

Everytime they do that montage of John and sherlock solving crimes and glimpses of cases from canon (WHY can't we have the adventure of the dancing men? The speckled band? D:) I just want to cry because it would have been so fun and stylishly made but NO moftiss just gotta have their drama and their plot twists and

Honestly I kept checking if I was watching an episode of Jessica Jones, since even with moftiss' fast and loose grasp of logic, Eurus' 'ability' was just kinda wonky.