Steve G

"I would argue that Olenna’s survival is in part because she was never actually a queen or in a position of power" - I would disagree with that. She as a great deal of power and influence. Her son died and was a figurehead, he had no real power. But she could just as easily have been at the trial and died.

"The idea that people who act good might actually have darker impulses underneath is a cliche so old it’s Biblical, and William’s transition to a black hat happens so abruptly, and with such little visceral justification, that it fails to register as anything more than a concept. " - Could not disagree more. What we

I wonder if when the robots were machines they could record and store everything.

Amazing show

It's a great show but they have made a mistake or two. Elliot's therapist was called a psychologist yet prescribed him medication which is only possible in 2 states. Unless they did that on purpose for some reason I'm not aware of.

Still no Tropic Thunder?

Amazing episode.

Completely admire everyone.

Could not disagree more.

What a disappointing season. This is one of my favorite shows. Everything feels both slow and rushed. I don't know if Declan was supposed to symbolize something liket he sins of the characters that they had to deal with or let go of, or just a device to get Antony Starr to confess. Everyone deserved better this year.:

"Inner Zack Snyder." Wow. Not even close. Could not disagree more with this review.

"Inner Zack Snyder." Wow. Not even close. Could not disagree more with this review.

I get the feeling Dorne has a population of 27.

Yeah personally I think the producer was either wrong or showing crack in a very unusual way. You need brillo and packing and things for crack. That looked much more like meth. Residue in the lightbulb, etc.

"we learn that while off-duty she likes to bust up crack houses and smoke whatever they leave behind. "

Yeah his story is that he's riddled by guilt and hasn't done enough to protect his city. I think he's just compelled.

And his men in black performance is one of my favorite movie villains ever. Very good actor.

Yes, that was great. Really think he's done a great job here.


I was going to say the exact same thing. Rey was the most memorable to me aside from Han.