
Totally. I think priests are the only ones who can officially perform an exorcism.

Whatever he was eating looked worse than the baby bird omelette. And he just left it festering on the carpet.

Nate reminds me of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of character. One minute he's playing the doting live-in boyfriend, and the next he's saying vile, verbally abusive things to Annalise. I really hope he's the dead body they found in the house during the flashforwards.

I remember watching this show in season one because there was nothing else on that summer, and the fact that it was set in the 80's (I'm a sucker for nostalgia) But it has turned into one of my favorite shows.
The season final was great, but I would have been just as happy to watch two hours of Gordon's dating

Evan Peters is Pig Man?!
I've been waiting for him to appear, and thought maybe he was one of those dirty pilgrims. This is worse than when he played that Frankenteen during season 3.

That's what I think as well. Ian is still just a teenager, from a blue collar background, not exactly known for being that informed on sexual fluidity. What I always liked about Shameless is that they gave a perspective on what it's like to be gay and poor, which is something you don't see on TV.
I think Caleb's

I really like the punk rock priest, he's totally outshining Father Tomas. I'm also surprised how stunted Geena Davis' acting has been in this role, but that may have something to do with all the botox.

Man, that ending was brutal and could have totally been avoided if those dickhead subway passengers had actually helped the terrified girl being sexually assaulted right in front of them. But they were certainly entertained when she was ripping his chest open, and they all decided to film it on their iphones. Typical

I really hope it's Nate. I know a lot of people will disagree because he's straight up man-candy, but I find him to be too muscled up. Plus he's so friggin' bland, you can tell even Annalise is getting bored of him. He seems like the type of guy who talks about his gym regimen non-stop, and also who throws out other

This news really made my day!! I know it was Noel Fisher's choice to leave the show, but I've missed Mickey so much.

The oldest one is the worst. I really hope I didn't act like an entitled asshole when I was sixteen. If I did, my mom certainly wouldn't put up with it like Sam does. She seems like a really strong female character, but than she acts like a doormat when it comes to parenting.
She should tell her kids to take the bus

Mutiny never would have taken off if it were not for Donna's persistence and keen business sense. Cameron is a coding genius and the heart of the company, but Donna has really been the brains behind the operation.
They never would have made it out West, and on the verge of going public if it were not for Donna's

I hope Edgar keeps in contact with the tow-truck driver, maybe having a veteran support group would help him manage his PTSD better. I hope in the future they have an episode where Edgar moves out, and he gets to tell Gretchen and Jimmy what horrible assholes they are. He really shouldn't be around dickheads like that

I'm Team Donna all the way. She was right on the money calling Cameron a petulant child, and we just witnessed her biggest tantrum to date. She thinks that everyone ganged up on her, but she didn't give them much of a choice because it always has to be her way. With Cameron their is no listening to reason, even when

She plays drunk really well too.
Why would Sam think Mel would have a nice relaxing time eating dinner with her three really annoying daughters. I wouldn't last past the first course in that house, but I doubt she even served a first course.To me it looked like she served Lenny Kravitz Lipton Sidekicks for dinner.

Really? I think he looks really hot now clean shaven and with the buzz cut. To me his beard looked odd with his grade school picture day hairstyle.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is irritated with them this season. I think a lot of it has to do with the horrible treatment of Edgar. I know he's always been easy prey, but knowing that he is really struggling right now, and they are unwilling to stop being assholes for 5 minutes to listen to him is frustrating.

I think Joe has a little crush on Ryan, and Ryan is oblivious to it. When Ryan bear hugs Joe after landing the contract you can see Joe physically seize up and step away. It's like he was so caught off guard by that level of affection, he deflects and changes the subject.
I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Ok good, maybe it's just an LA thing then.
The oldest daughter is the worst, I can't even look at her creepy Bella Thorne face.

I would have liked to have seen more of the Tom and Cameron reunion. Why bring back his character for him to have like 4 lines in the whole episode.