
I'm surprised Jesse Towing didn't make an appearance in the final. I guess Patrick J. Adams couldn't get any time off from Suits.

I will say this, I don't believe that they actually shoot Alison scenes in Scarborough. The Orphan Black version makes it seem like an idyllic neighbourhood, but it's actually crime riddled. We had like 3 shootings last weekend alone.

I really wanted him to follow through with that. She even dug her own grave.

I also didn't like Nikki involving an innocent boy in her scheme to get even with Varga. He could have easily been held hostage by one of those goons, or killed by a stray bullet.

That scene was pretty hot. I actually want her to dump Justin now, but I'm sure Chase Graves is diabolically evil. I mean that name alone, gives it away.

I can't believe that C.S Lee is basically a glorified extra in his guest starring roll in this episode. He used to be a series regular on Dexter, and now he's subjected to a one sentence character.

Also, Danny Masterson has been accused of sexual harassment recently, and Scientology tried to sweep those allegations under the rug.

Yeah, his dad is one of the founding fathers of this cult. He even used to teach some of the courses at the Scientology Center.

Jason Dohring is looking good, but it's too bad he's a life long Scientologist.
I loved Blaine and Don E joining the scooby gang, even if it was only for one episode. They need to find a way for Blaine to be involved in the show beyond his evil scheme storylines.
Kind of like what they were able to do with Spike in

She has such great posture.

Tom Yates is just super creepy. I keep waiting for Paul Sparks to do that Pillsbury Doughboy laugh, when he played Mickey Doyle on Boardwalk Empire.

Yeah Sean Jeffries was hired because he has the ability to get anyone to talk.

I'm actually coveting that star sweater she was wearing in the early scenes of the episode.

I would have loved to see Blaine included in that D&D scene, but that's out of the question since he's back to being evil now.

The beginning of season 3 (the Pike episodes) were so bad, but I loved the A.L.I.E "invasion of the body snatchers" storyline, it ended up balancing it all out.

But at least Murphy never killed 300 Grounders like Bellamy did in season 3. But he's real sorry about all that, so all is forgiven.

I really wish we would have seen Sy a bit more traumatized by witnessing the Nikki beating.

He's so gross. I really didn't need to see him picking his rotten gums with a pin. I feel like every episode they keep upping the ante with his disgusting habits.

I agree. I'm getting pretty annoyed with her case-of-the week personalities. Sometimes they're just really corny.

I really thought she had been beaten to death, and I think Sy thought that too, and that's why he fled the scene. From the sounds of her screams and the never ending thwacks of the tire iron, I figured no one would survive something like that.