
I'm a bit disappointed that I was right, when I commented that the Zoologist might end up being Dracula because he couldn't remember Vanessa's name. It just seemed pretty obvious, especially since they hired an actor who usually plays pretty sketchy characters.

Mike's the only character who seems to have a soul, so I'm upset for him that his adoption plans fell through.
"…and a bunch of other stuff."

I'm surprised Bob didn't say he wanted Yankee Beans.
"I want my Yank-eeeee Beans"

He did finally start to make an impression after almost two seasons worth of nothingness. That bloody ball dancing scene in the season two final was down right chilling.

I hope your right because every time I see his name first in the credits I get irritated. Thankfully the actors are listed alphabetically, because no way does Reeve Carney deserve top billing.

Good for him. It would be very idiotic to let him go.

I actually hope I'm wrong, but when you hire the Ice Truck Killer, I'm gonna think the worst.

Liam James has turned out to be the show MVP, although Andrew McCarthy comes in a close second.

As a fellow Canadian, does it also make you wonder why we don't have tiny Chinese take-out boxes that are seen in countless American TV/ Movies like in this episode of The Family.

That's why I want Dylan and Emma to get in that truck and drive to Seattle ASAP. Someone has to have a happy ending on this show.

So is the Zoologist going to turn out to be Dracula. The show made it a point to remind viewers that he couldn't remember Vanessa Ives names, which makes me believe he knows exactly who she is. Plus he's played by Dexter's sociopathic brother.

I'm a bit upset that Lyle is no longer a series regular, but instead has been relegated to guest star. If anyone should be demoted on Penny Dreadful, it's awful Reeve Carney.

I read on EW, that Leah Pipes is off the show, but not Davina. The showrunner said that she technically died…but Danielle Campbell is not going anywhere.
I'm actually going to miss Cammie. I didn't like her vampire arc, but Leah Pipes was actually the strongest actress they had.

And he's always good for a laugh. "Hey Bon Bon, how was your visit to the nut house"

I was just about to give up on The Vampire Diaries back in it's early boring days, but that season one final was a total game changer.

I would have liked to have seen more of the Bonnie/Enzo backstory, like they did with Bonnie and Damon's friendship last season, but under the time constraint I thought it was handled well.

Yeah, I think they met on the set of The Vampire Diaries before The Originals spin-off.

Alaric has sort of become SadDad, but he's still a better character than Stefan. Paul Wesley has really been phoning it in this season, he should really be written off the show.
I wonder if Bonnie should have just kept taking the pills, it didn't seem to have any negative effects until she went through withdrawal. I

I hate when that happens in TV/Movies! It's a weird thing to notice, but I get annoyed when they don't pay their tab.

She looked badass.