
Apparently he survived a rare childhood cancer as well.

So the new CEO of ChumHum is now another character from Manhattan.

I really wanted to see Cary's white boy dance.

I was so excited when I found out Lenny James was finally joining the show full time, yet they manged to make me hate his character in 8 episodes. Great work guys!
Isn't Rick's love interest supposed to be a hairdresser? I know she's been pretty busy killing zombies, trying to make up for the fact she has two useless,

I was getting woozy just watching that scene. I can't even handle imaginary heights.

I don't really care if Arnold and Josh break up. I've never warmed up to him as a character. He's too whiny and neurotic.

That was the one time I laughed out loud. I'm not saying it wasn't a funny episode but that moment really caught me off guard. Love Tom and Claire shenanigans.

He's one of the standouts of the series. I thought at first his character would be one note, but I really did sympathize with him this episode. He must be feeling so guilty knowing the genetic disorder his son's been afflicted with, was passed on through his genes.
I don't think he will be able to kill his son, but I

I think the son is dumb, even dumber that Joe. Seriously, I can't believe he fell for that grasshopper file. I knew it was going to be a set up. The wife is pretty sly, she was even getting info about Joe during her innocent "conversation" with him in the backyard. It's obviously getting to her, hence the secret

I think they were disappointed in his comments about "negro's" and "Semites" at the dinner table.

Rufus Sewell is the only three dimensional character on this show. Just when you think you have him figured out, he surprises you. He's a great villain.

When Gigi mentioned slicing off the breast meat of the quail, I figured that was a clue that the other Red Devil would be a woman.

I feel guilty for saying this, but Rufus Sewell looked pretty fucking hot in head-to-toe leather.

That's it! He looked so familiar. I had a feeling he was going to turn out to be a dick, maybe I subconsciously remembered him from Mad Men.

I'm more interested in the premise of the show. I just can't get over people with American accents wearing Nazi uniforms, Heil Hitlering all day long.
I'm disappointed in Alexa Davolos' performance so far. She made quite an impression back in the day when she guest starred on Angel, but she's pretty unremarkable so

At least some of the Keating 5 don't hate each other. They have all been pretty horrible to Asher for no particular reason. His father commits suicide and no one bothers to call him, or even has his phone number!

So Damon was supposed to be 12yrs old in that flashback? Um, he already had a mustache and had been through puberty.
What happened to Dexter's dad as father Salvador? I guess his schedule is too full nowadays to guest star on a CW show.

I feel like Jimmy is getting a raw deal this season. If Gretchen wasn't deemed "clinically depressed" most viewers would agree that he should move on with someone who actually wants to spend time with him.
I'm becoming really annoyed with her because she is making no attempt to get help and would rather burn every

It's amazing. Loved the way he said "a hobo". Such great comedic timing.

He seems a bit shifty to me, but I do agree that I get the impression he's interested in Carrie. So far he's offered her a private jet, a choice of one of his luxury cars, plus an extended stay at his mansion. He's gone far and beyond "best boss in the world" status.
I'm constantly perplexed by all the male attention