
I think True Detective would work much better with a Netflix format, like Bloodline. Pizzolatto is cramming too much plot, and characters, into 8 episodes. Season 2 could be much more coherent in a binge-watch situation.

If he even gets that far. I have a feeling Jordan is going to double cross him. Just when you think the coast is clear, she'll kill him, and take his money.

I was also floored when it was revealed that Miguel was the one blackmailing Paul. I did not see that coming at all. So this whole time Paul was just a mark, or did Miguel develop real feelings for him during their stint in the army.

No kidding. I look forward to Wednesday night just to watch this show, but also scared, if that makes any sense.

I think Mr. Robot is a figment of Elliot's imagination. He hasn't interacted with anyone else on the show. It seems like they are taking a page from The Six Sense.
Basically Tyler and his wife are a kinky Swedish version of the Underwood's on House of Cards.