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    I completely forgot Mark existed until I rewatched the first couple seasons recently. I guess I didn't miss him at all.

    Yeah, Feels Blind is most lyrically interesting. Oh, that reminds me of Bloody Ice Cream! Awesome lyrics.

    Rebel Girl is great and all. But what about Feels Blind and Suck My Left One?

    Live Through This was an awesome album. Celebrity Skin is another story.

    What a great list of people. Makes me think I should give the show a try. I can only take Maron in small doses though.

    I think she's more into the writing and directing thing. She had that documentary "Stories We Tell" not too long ago.

    I actually liked the last couple seasons at college (despite the fact that Joey's "dorm" was too nice to ever exist). But you're right, seasons 3 and 4 were the strongest.
    I liked Dawson okay. But Pacey and Joey…that was the highlight of the show.