
I don't think Chuck will use the tape in a court case - he wouldn't want the McGill name dragged through the mud. He's got other plans for that tape.

Sigurd snake-in-the-eye

Ah, but he wouldn't have to just buy the flag, he'd have to find a flagpole tall enough to fly that sized flag.

Eddie is the guy from HHM who who brought stuff to Chuck.

I didn't see them as glare-stares - I thought at least some of them were looking at him with pity, with compassion, watching his meltdown and feeling very sorry for him.

That's what I thought - post partum depression leading to suicide.

Does anyone else think that Erlendur sounds like Peter Lorre?

Some do.

I'd love if it ended with Chuck's death and Jimmy coming out of hiding to inherit Chuck's estate.

Mary's little one?

But this an assisted living facility, not a nursing home. Because individual states regulate assisted living facilities, not federal, some states allow facilities to offer medication assistance and/or reminders. Don't know about New Mexico.

Maybe he threw it out after his dumpster diving.

I dunno, I think that Chuck is going to get HHM involved, feeling that this case is bigger than what he and Jimmy can handle alone, and that he ought to be working the case with his law firm. Then Hamlin finds a way to keep Jimmy out of the loop. This is what disillusions Jimmy and sets him on the road to Saul.

I think it's Bjorn who will marry a princess. Bjorn mean bear.

No one who has been watching this series from the beginning could sugarcoat the Vikings brutality and violence, nor would i want to. I feel that just because this is the Vikings' saga, told from a point of view that is more sympathetic to their history, does not mean that the Christians had any claim to moral

Perhaps because the Christians of that time were despicable. Charlemagne waged a bloody, three-decades-long series of battles against the Saxons and earned a reputation for ruthlessness. In 782 at the Massacre of Verden, Charlemagne reportedly ordered the slaughter of some 4,500 Saxons. He eventually forced the Saxons

It could be that it sets Athelstan up so that he has a mortal enemy in each camp - Floki and Athelwulf. No matter which side he chooses someone wants to kill him.

Horik's wife's name was Grunnhilde.