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    Time travel is one of those sci-fi concepts that you can't do in half measures. Because the second you introduce it into an existing story the question becomes why are you not constantly using it? It's like having a god machine that your letting sit in the corner gathering dust instead of using.

    This is why I have love/hate relationship with Legends. Because on one hand Legends on it's own is entertaining and pretty enjoyable, but the minute you try to fit in back into the larger Flarrow universe your brain starts to explode.

    Can I just say how utterly insane it is that the Arrow writers did a flash forward death scene without deciding who was going to die.

    Ok, I must have missed that "wasn't even close" bit with the chancellor election.

    I find the whole Pike plot super frustrating, because it's the basis of what could be a really interesting story, if they had actually taken the time to set it up properly. But they rushed through all of the context and character information we needed, so I constantly find myself questioning every action every