
Poor Jenna. I'm not sure why her shows are either lackluster or get bad launches. 1600 Penn was a much better fit for Jenna and a funny show. Wish it had gotten a better launch by NBC. Growing Up Fisher was also a much better fit and while not the best premise, the show itself was funny and entertaining. I have no

Why the heck did they name this Taken? Like it wasn't good, but it was way worse pretending this is like the movie. He's got no daughter, there won't be some kidnapping every week or a serialized storyline where he is in search of someone kidnapped. His sister was murdered, but he's got no family member he is in

The social commentary in this episode was outstanding and makes me love it more. Sometimes its subtle, sometimes it's more obvious Shooting the dog is unacceptable, but being super specific with human targets is okay. They showed the dad one, but there was also a neighboring target that was a couple as well, like even

I loved everything in this episode, and Atlanta is definitely hitting all the right notes for me. But the waitress at the restaurant didn't ring true for me not just because of how high handed she was with suggesting things and literally adding things that weren't asked for, but because Van let it happen. Earn was

No mention of reporting the debit card stolen? It was one of the best moments of the show, because it felt so real and also I thought helped to show Earn, despite having some clear down moments in his life right now, is rather brilliant, thinking ahead and realizing this was the better play than dealing with the

Any top fast food list missing something from Fatburger looks like a joke. This isn't an exhaustive search even if the title and text suggests it.

Don't think she's slighting TV here. She signed up to do a finite set of movies, and now they are trying to turn it into a TV show that has a completely different shooting schedule and can go on for years if it's successful. She's right, that isn't what she signed up for when she signed on to play Tris. Miles Teller

Primetime soap, not daytime. Though I too would be open to a new daytime soap.

Love Old Christine from the start and although I was unsuccessful getting people to watch regularly when it aired originally, I've gotten several to try it in reruns and they are now hooked on the show. Definitely a show that is seriously underappreciated.

Really think a new reviewer is needed for Modern Family. The last handful of episodes have been a marked improvement over the beginning of the season and there were some other good ones peppered in before then, but you're basically riding out the C's and giving a B when you admit it's not half bad. This wasn't an A

You mean is American Idol like Project Greenlight for singers or something? Perhaps you're too young to know, but Project Greenlight predates American Idol. Also, they are not remotely alike.

The original bitchface. Love that Russ pointed it out. This season is going a lot more like I wished last season had gone. I enjoyed the friends last year a lot more than the main characters, now there's a better balance. Will miss Jenny Slate on here though.

Barely recognized Ksenia Solo. I've never seen her looking less dynamic. She's a scene stealer and while not the most beautiful girl, her energy usually makes her the center of attention. I get why she's so understated here, but here's hoping this doesn't become the norm with her. I haven't watched Lost Girl since the

Web Therapy does it better. It was a good, entertaining episode (though a bit frenetic) and I'm glad they tried something different that mostly worked, but if I see any praise for this style there needs to be a nod to Web Therapy doing it all the time. This wasn't original and I'm afraid beyond mentioning it was an