Bob Clark

To clarify— Nobody knew what a "Han Solo" was for ANH, but they definitely did for ESB and ROTJ. And as for ANH— well, nobody knew what "Star Wars" was at that point, either. The whole thing was an unknown, and especially risky in an era where sci-fi was either seen as cheap and gimmicky or serious to the point of

Yes, boring. Visually static and unimpressive, and disastrously overwritten as far as "look at me, I can write curses like Mamet" goes. I'll watch "Twin Peaks" even during its post-Laura Palmer stretch way before "The Wire" again.

Ghost— I think Tumblr would have words with you.

EBuzz— My point is that I rather like my space opera on the serious side. Having a guy like Han laugh at it all just kinda makes me feel embarassed about the whole enterprise.

Colby— If you actually want to make your "Han Solo type" more genuinely ambiguous than Han Solo ever was, it can help to an extent. But mostly if that character is just there to make things more mainstream, I'm kinda glad to see it go. I don't need Han Solo's sarcastic detachment to get into Star Wars. Most mainstream

No, like I said, I tried to watch it. And it was boring as hell, and not even about what I was hoping, so fuck it.

Does anybody even like sand that much? I mean, it's tolerable when it comes along with a beach, but if you can have water without the sand, isn't that more comfortable?

I'm legitmately interested in that. The charming-rogue stereotype needs some more of that treatment.

Yeah. Honestly, I prefer movies that have characters I can relate to, not characters who I look to as some sort of wish-fulfillment fantasy. I can relate to the anxieties and the insecurities of a Luke or an Anakin. I can't connect at all with the confidence and swagger of Han. Things are just too easy for him for me

If this movie has not one, but two Han Solo proxies, I might have to avoid it at all costs. It's taken me this long to realize, that after all is said and done, I don't really like Han Solo very much. I don't like that particular brand of Alpha Male confidence, or seeing how it allows one to coast through the perils

Oddly, that's kinda the show that I thought was implied from the first ads I saw for "The Wire". When I actually watched it and discovered it was about the war on drugs, I switched away. Well, there was also the fact that the show was about the least visually interesting thing I'd ever seen, so yeah.

Basically everything that happens after Dagobah. And what I liked most about the Dagobah episode was the fact that it featured Liam Neeson returning to voice Qui-Gon dishing some deeper truths about the Force— so at least it was equal opportunity fanservice, with a prized planet from the OT and a hallowed Jedi Master

Don't get me wrong, there's bits and pieces I'm not crazy about in TCW. In particular, I still kinda wish that Darth Maul was never brought back (his death by being CUT IN HALF is just too cool to give him an escape route from) and the whole Mandalorian subplot, while overall was pretty cool in fleshing out the

Well, Star Wars is also an action movie. And optimistic or not, most of Abrams' work has been pretty much an incomprehensible mish-mash, especially when compared to the classic feel of the SW films. This is why I really admire Filoni's work on TCW so much, and keep heralding it— there's such a great combination of the

I think we're gonna have to see Sith. Maybe not the exact type we saw in the films past, but some offshoot maybe. You need to have villains tapped into the dark side of the Force, and if they think it makes things original to just call them something else and deny that heritage, it's just a cosmetic change. I wouldn't

My point is that even if you like the OT stuff, when the prospect is getting nothing BUT that with endless nostalgia-inspired works, it doesn't hold up. I mean, I can honestly say that I don't give a shit about seeing the Millenium Falcon again, or X-Wings, or really pretty much anything from the old films. Do I like

Good sign— They include a popular character from "The Clone Wars", Jedi Master Luminara, so they haven't quite thrown the Prequel Era under the bus in favor of increasingly dated OT crap. In fact, they seem to mostly be continuing the nice blend of McQuarrie designs and PT stylings. I could watch it for that.

Well, isn't that essentially what he was doing in "Synecdoche NY"? Playing the Charlie Kaufman stand-in? Granted, it's in a work that's not quite as good, or at least not as well directed. But you have an idea of what he would've added. More vulnerability and pathos, maybe a little less entertaining craziness (which

Here's how I spin this— it demonstrates the viability of the Prequel fims among older viewers (no ages are given but I'm assuming we're dealing with people in the 30's/40's range, with a few 20's, given who usually answers polls). Sure, the OT stuff that's been around for practically 40 years is ahead, but the PT

Awsome name, by the way.