Bob Clark

I didn't see it at all. Didn't see the point of a "Charade" remake when I'm not even that crazy about the original. Then again, I avoided his "Manchurian Candidate" remake for so long because I absolutely adore the original, and when I finally saw it I was actually pleasantly surprised. At least here, there's little

Oooh, I didn't know that about TTAC. Now I have more of a reason to check it out.

Oh, don't put any of his films on me. I don't like any of them. Not even "A Christmas Story". I'm sure that probably loses me too many points too count. Too bad. I could've used the job.

I'm surprised the switch in aspect ratios isn't mentioned here. Early on when Solness is on his hospital bed, Demme shoots in 1.78, in cramped, shaky documentary style. Then, when Hilde shows up, he switches to a sunnily lit 2.35, giving it the full cinemascope expanse befitting a suggested dream narrative.