
Is there a reason not a single one of these pick-a-record videos features a female artist? WTF?

I disagree with the idea that speed and platforming are fundamentally irreconcilable. Take a look at indie games like Super Meat Boy or Super House of Dead Ninja. Super Meat Boy particularly emphasizes speed, but it also pulls the camera back and adds in other forms of traversal, such wall jumping.

I think it would have been more interesting if Sapphire had ended up being the unforgiving one. Her cold fury would have been so much more disconcerting than Ruby's tantrum. I realize that in the actual episode Sapphire was also angry, but - due in part to her future vision - she also controlled herself better and

"Rwandan genocide! Ethnic conflict in the Balkans!"

Who are the major Southern Gothic writers other than Faulkner?

Oh hey, the pic's of NYU Law.