
You know how she could find out? Use one of her dragons that can traverse long distances like a jet and take a peep.

As long as it doesn't leave us pining for the fjords.

I had no idea AV Club was going to cover Harlots! Well bind my breasts and call me Larry this is exciting.

Re: Perdita/Cordelia, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking! Eerie similarity.

Is that what he called it? I couldn't really hear what he said. But yeah!

I keep waiting for someone else to point out the painting of the beast in Jared's home. If Ethan wasn't born into a line of werewolves I'll be very shocked.

Yeah, I definitely assumed this was another variation on the theme of keeping your enemies alive so you can watch them suffer.

Something, something Jared Fogle.

After 3 seasons, I do hope Ethan and Vanessa come to a climax - goodness we've all waited long enough to see that!

Yeesh, let some ladies be happy!

Well said!

If you loved Jem why not support these ladies? Can't be worse than what we got! And if it's campy, that's the kind of intentional worse I will always support. It's in the John Waters bylaws I think.

I would DEFINITELY help fund a She-Ra fan film. When is that happening?

Haha, true, but they made a ton of money! The Jem one we got never had a chance. Look I just want a cool, sparkly, rock star lady who goes on science fiction adventures - don't see why that's so hard? Or why people are shitting on these ladies for trying!

Cool, this isn't for you then. But during that era Jem was the Female cartoon hero we had. I don't think anyone would stick their neck out by calling it a GREAT show. But it was on par with Transformer and G.I. Joe and it got a crap live action version that upset a lot of people. I think it's great this all female

Lot of salty, oddly antagonistic, commenters on this thread. Have you seen their video? I think they can do something fun here. 12k looks like a minimum for doing only part of the story. I saw this on Hitfix this morning and donated. Bunch of grouches.

Honestly, I'm not sure why this didn't get bigger press.

Some youtube people made the Jem I think most of us were hoping for some months ago and they seem to have had the same budget https://youtu.be/TVQ9r3Smooo

I'm crying tears of vodka and it burns like the ring around Stalin's red chapped anus - I never thought I'd be so invested in a drag performer like I am with Katya! I don't know how to explain why that hooker means so much to me. I think because she's so insanely talented and yet her own worst enemy and I relate so so

Katya is the Russian knockoff of Alaska and I mean that as my highest compliment…there's a Sarah Palin joke here somewhere but I'm hungover.