
"I just wrote something totally inconsiderate on Twitter."
"I'll just delete it, and it will be GONE FOREVER."-Famous Person

Outtakes from the adult film "Merry Foppins".

Only wanted to watch it 'cause i like sexy, vulnarable women with Brooklyn accents.
Still had to turn it off after about 15 mins.

That honor goes to the shot on videotape adventure in squinting, Public Enemies.

Now he can restart the Punisher franchise with Thomas Jane back in the lead.
Can you imagine the splendor of slow motion Punisher carnage with introspective Thomas Newman piano and synth playing in the background?!?

He did write the wonderful Robocop 2, which surpasses his work on Wolverine and Sin City in the minds most paranoid schizophrenics.

The dick-sucking sold it for me.

Smells like "I.T. Crowd" meets "Pirates of Silicon Valley" with dick jokes.

Seems legit.

"Martian N%ggers"-Sheriff Root

Jay Leno's Garage is surprisingly good.
That will be his legacy, not his stint as "host" of the Tonight Show.

Such polished mediocrity.
We'll miss him.

Can't watch the "Her" trailer, re-done with his voice.

He's going to give up movies.
His ultimate destiny is to absorb Ted Raimi and haunt Magic The Gathering tournaments.

Add 5mm and you'd have a pretty ineffectual tank gun.

What about movies on vinyl.
Vinyl is best for EVERYTHING.