
I stopped watching Sons of Anarchy at the end of season six when Gemma killed Tara, but NOT b/c I was angry. It was a scene anyone w/a brain could see coming from, like, the 3rd or 4th episode of season 1, but it was done SO terribly — with characters either acting OUT of character or being suddenly and incredibly

Majority Report. duh! =]

You can totally see his face. Apparently he just happened to be on set that day, to Spielberg offered him a role. What I've always wanted to know was: Did they add that role b/c Aykroyd was there or was there a guy who was there that they told to go home?

No, no, no…it'll be revealed in the sequel that Superman was terraforming the city to improve it. He'll rebuild it in record time and make it look like Krypton. It'll be brilliant. BRILLIANT!