
2 months late here but I kind of agree with the PhonyPope. I just watched August: Osage County and thought she was dreadful. I like Streep in most films but she was so hammy and theatrical in this one. I think she would have been phenomenal were this the stage play but in the medium of film, she just came across as

I kind of get what you're saying but there are a lot of Hannahs out there. I'm a recent college graduate struggling to find work, in my early 20s so I'm in a similar position to these characters. Many of my friends and acquaintances from college remind me so much of the characters from Girls. They are so self-absorbed

I actually really like the character of Jess. I've always been a sucker for Zooey Deschanel's cutesy Manic Pixie Dream Girl schtick but I do understand that's irritating for a lot of people. I think both the show and Deschanel have done a great job in toning Jess down and adding some nuance to the character. She feels

I actually really like the character of Jess. I've always been a sucker for Zooey Deschanel's cutesy Manic Pixie Dream Girl schtick but I do understand that's irritating for a lot of people. I think both the show and Deschanel have done a great job in toning Jess down and adding some nuance to the character. She feels

The thing is the vast majority of Caucasian babies are born with blue eyes and then their eyes change colour over time. So it's gonna be a suspenseful few months wondering who is Ass Kicker's father…

The thing is the vast majority of Caucasian babies are born with blue eyes and then their eyes change colour over time. So it's gonna be a suspenseful few months wondering who is Ass Kicker's father…

Yeah, Belle and her father have had Australian accents throughout the show run. Of course it doesn't make sense but then how do you explain Rumplestilskin's Scottish accent, Prince Phillip's English accent, Hook and Aurora's Irish accent, the Huntsman's Northern Irish accent etc. Clearly the writers are just going

Yeah, Belle and her father have had Australian accents throughout the show run. Of course it doesn't make sense but then how do you explain Rumplestilskin's Scottish accent, Prince Phillip's English accent, Hook and Aurora's Irish accent, the Huntsman's Northern Irish accent etc. Clearly the writers are just going

Yeah but if Caroline left the show to star in a spin-off while The Vampire Diaries is still going, VD would suffer greatly. I mean I like Elena, Damon, Stefan, Tyler and the occasional recurring character just fine but an episode heavy on Caroline always promises to be better in my opinion.

Yeah but if Caroline left the show to star in a spin-off while The Vampire Diaries is still going, VD would suffer greatly. I mean I like Elena, Damon, Stefan, Tyler and the occasional recurring character just fine but an episode heavy on Caroline always promises to be better in my opinion.

I went into fits of laughter at Snow's "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" when Mulan went to cut down the beanstalk. I find Goodwin charming and she can sell many of the earnest moments of the show but damn if she doesn't overact badly sometimes. Speaking of overacting and laughing fits, Henry's scream on awakening from his nightmare

I went into fits of laughter at Snow's "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" when Mulan went to cut down the beanstalk. I find Goodwin charming and she can sell many of the earnest moments of the show but damn if she doesn't overact badly sometimes. Speaking of overacting and laughing fits, Henry's scream on awakening from his nightmare

I was watching an interview with the actor and he has a full Irish accent. He seems to be using that Irish accent for the role of Hook but adding a weird upper class English inflection to it. I wonder why?

I was watching an interview with the actor and he has a full Irish accent. He seems to be using that Irish accent for the role of Hook but adding a weird upper class English inflection to it. I wonder why?

Wow Kumagoro, you really don't like Jennifer Morrison, do you? Why the hate? I know the character is pretty awful and she has a bit of a sour face but apart from that, I find her largely inoffensive.

Wow Kumagoro, you really don't like Jennifer Morrison, do you? Why the hate? I know the character is pretty awful and she has a bit of a sour face but apart from that, I find her largely inoffensive.