
Big Boots/Man O War has always been one of my favorite unreleased Radiohead songs, and I really liked the arrangement of it they showed being recorded in Meeting People is Easy. For me this is worth it for that alone. Not as big a fan of Lift or I Promise, but still . . . This would be a particularly worthy purchase

I'm finding it hard to get past the fact that this entire article consists of the opinion of a mediocre musician about a song whose genesis he clearly doesn't appreciate or even understand. The whole thing strikes me as completely vacuous.

I can see no realistic path to success for any competition against Ozymandias. To me that was the greatest episode in the history of episodic television, by a pretty significant margin. Actually the TD episode pitted against it was also among my favorites, so the fact that Ozymandias (deservedly) won in the first

I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the comments here are dumber and more worthless than the ones on Youtube. This was a solid B-level Simpsons episode, and better than the Family Guy/South Park/Bob's Burgers competition by a country mile.

I quite enjoyed the episode. I know the party line is that the Simpsons is outdated and irrelevant, but to me it continues to be the most literate satire on TV, and they continue to turn out a fairly high percentage of strong episodes.

I had high hopes for Drive but found it a bit of a mess. The characters were two-dimensional, the script made no sense, and the stylized, graphic violence felt gratuitous and unnecessary. I find it very hard to understand people's enthusiasm for this movie. Actually I would say that Only God Forgives (which is also

The version of My God Is the Sun that QOTSA were playing was also weirdly abbreviated, presumably for time. I have not seen that done before and I was surprised they agreed to it.