
Supermarket was penned by Strummer for Jones. It shows Stummer's excellent ability to write for and in the style of his writing partner.

Not to mention his difficult relationship with television in general. See the infamous SNL Radio Radio performance.

Kraftwerk Unplugged: an extended version of John Cage's 4'33"

An upright bass is completely different instrument. Say a bassist has some training and proficiency on an upright, it may not fit the song. Arrangements with a bass guitar might sound off with an upright. Technical lines don't come through that timbre as well and may require more rehearsal than a one off performance

Compared to the rest of Dwayne Allman's stuff D&D looks like a footnote.

Ron Swanson - great taste for scotch and the possibility of fishing while drinking.

A few rounds with Batiste and smoke up with Davis - that would be a pretty good night.

The last three years of live shows were stellar. Sobriety made Anastasio a better performer. If you like the band it's worth checking out some newer shows on YouTube or phishtracks.

Bleach is evidence that Cobain was trying to impress Buzz Osborne.

Or go with the tune Run DMC sampled: