


I still don't get the avenged7fold parody account #KinjapocalypseConfessions

I still don't get the avenged7fold parody account #KinjapocalypseConfessions

Fare thee well, AV Club.

Fare thee well, AV Club.

I'm playing Pyre. Also, I stink at it.

This could be way off base, but I feel like Uncharted's mechanics are borderline outdated after games like Horizon and BotW, something which obviously wouldn't have impacted the development of this game. Lost Legacy's negatives in reviews aren't mechanics, but after just recently completing Horizon, I went back to

Just like we all guessed.

doesn't he have to kill Mel though?

Screw Kinja and this site for tearing down the best community I've discovered on the internet. Sucks.

I finally beat and then quickly platinumed Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Good point! I forgot it needed the memory pack.

I know it wasn't released in 1997, but I don't understand how Perfect Dark isn't more renowned than Goldeneye. Opinions and all that, but it truly was an improvement in almost every aspect and the customization options at the time were unbelievable and made for even more endless replayability. AND it had the best

It's super short, so even if you don't love it, it's easy to get through.

Replace Macavoy with Aaron Paul and im listening.

Rami Malek as Nick Andros???

The first book is truly a standout. When I first read the series, Wizard and Glass was my favorite book of all time. On re-read, The Gunslinger is just freaking perfect. (I must say how good Drawing of the Three is as well).

Going to New York first was a horrible mistake. Leave that as a way to freshen up the next movie if your goal is to adapt "The Gunslinger" as you first film of the series.

Should have just started with Drawing of the Three.