Chris Adams

Did you read the book?

I dread to see what other liberties they've taken with King's awesome novel. I'm profoundly disappointed so far with the series. Such a shame.

Read the novel first. A true page turner/page swiper!

The novel has been horribly butchered by Carpenter. It has been ruined. And to think I subscribed to Hulu for it. I may not be renewing for the last few eps.

Dontcha know!

How about "Let's Find Each Other Tonight" being played?

And here I was thinking it was going to be an instant classic.

She's had work done.

Poor Yoda!

Reading "A Distant Mirror," a fascinating look at the 'calamitous 14th century.' Why don't they do a series over that? I might even return to watching cable TV again were they to do it. Maybe.

He does not age.

Carl Wilson is dead.

That was pretty cool. Expected McCartney though.

I can still remember the smell of the record sleeve after I ripped the wrapping off.

Thanks for the advice, Cap'n!

Bummer. Loved the book.

"Once Wallace is bleating piteously (his tongue having been cut out)"

Insanity is hilarious.

It's been awhile.

Teen girls, too.