
They were old though and aiming to fuck numerous chicks for many hours. Made sense to me.

Speaking on a personal level, I had a VERY bad trip on mushrooms once, compete with hallucinations. I love how everyone fancies themselves a drug expert here. All drugs affect people differently.

Her missing person lady looked pretty wasted too.

I burst out laughing when she sidled into the kitchen. I half expected her to drawl out , "hey cowboy".

I think what you see is what you get with Frank. His corny lines are funny and meant to be so. He considers himself a bit of an old world gentleman and has a code. None of the main players are good or bad. They just do good and bad things. Frank is not meant to be a genius. His cheesy lines are gold. Solid gold.

I too, think people are missing the humour.

That did kill me though when Tawney felt compassion for him and saw his vulnerability and finally opened the door a crack only to have it shut in her face.

I'm in the minority here but I really don't like Tawney. I feel it was made clear to the viewer during her therapy session that she sought out a marriage to a "traditional" man to feel safety and build the family she lacked in childhood. She's very immature emotionally and I thought Teddy made many bids for intimacy

I think it was more due to his mention of his birth mother and her immediate change to concern and empathy. I think it made him feel the extreme vulnerability and he projected his anger and sorrow at his mother's abandonment towards Tawney. (as well as enmeshing feeling abandoned by both of them)

Yes! I caught this immediately but then was almost wondering if I imagined it. This show is such a pleasure to watch. Every scene is like the tastiest morsel. I am sort of confused by the "did he or didn't he?" question by reviewers and commenters though as it seems to me the show has made it quite clear that Trey is

I think the writing was right on target there. Trey is a smart-mouthed wise ass. We've seen he's calculatingly manipulative which takes some smarts. I don't see it at all as he's "into Beckett". Just making a wise ass joke. I'm an English major, have used that reference as a joke and have NOT read the play.

I loved this episode. Shoot-out was fantastic and the characters are finally being fleshed out. I'm invested in them all, even Paul. How could no-one give a shout out to Farrell's "pedialyte" line? I laughed out loud.

That made me lol.

This movie was awful and not even remotely clever.

I was really afraid he was going to be killed and turned into a wight. How bad-ass would that be? An army of wight giants.

1994 was the last year of Grade 13 I think.

I'm Canadian and I don't hear that they have an accent when they speak.

I guess so eh? ;) I'm pretty sure it's because it's in part because I grew up in the Ottawa Valley and people there have a very distinct pattern of speech (and yes it's peppered with lots of eh's). I would say urban Alberta and BC maybe don't have much of a Canadian accent. (edited to add I've travelled and\or lived

plus they showed Canadian money.

They already said Toronto. She went to Scarborough to visit Alison.