
Urgh. Jared is Amantha's half brother, not stepbrother. The scene between Ted and Teddy had me bawling like a baby.

Not if there is a will.

he's done a few and they are all excellent episodes.

Actually the scene of Norma being raped by her husband and then Norman reaching out for her hand was absolutely devastating.

Also interesting to see how violent his father was. Genetic component.

I loved, loved , loved this episode. Norma and Romero are so adorable together it breaks my heart and Norma's "Did Emma die?" line was hysterically funny. So many good scenes.

My aim whilst commenting on the Internet is not to be "taken seriously" by strangers on the Internet. This is in fact, a thread about zombies so… And I talk the way I talk and I highly doubt on my death bed I'll have regrets about my word usage. Because that would be not only be the opposite of the bomb, but in fact

Yes. Please conduct a nationwide referendum. While you're at it, please conduct a poll about whether a person who insults a stranger based on their opinion of a television episode is most likely in general a miserable human being.


He used it twice I think.

I love TWD amd have been watching it from the start. I thought last night's ep was the worst one I've ever seen, bar none. And this is literally the first time I've said something neg about the show. It's like they had a competely different director, editor and screen writers. Full of cheap shocks; it was trite,

I rarely have complaints about this show's "realism" but some of the dumb ass shit these fools get up to is wearing thin. How about smearing the guts on your hair and face? What, Zombies aren't attracted to the scent of face and sweaty neck?! Also, what about some freaking armour on the legs and arms at least? It

I'd say he looks about 10 actually.

Kilgrave was on fleek too.

I just want to say that I thought both Trish and Simpson were perfectly cast. They were both a delight to watch when they were on screen. They felt like comic book characters in their appearance and speech. Kudos to whomever dressed Trish as well as it brought me right back to the Archie comic days.

I've noticed she looks deathly ill lately. I get she's in mourning but man, it looks like she has cholera.

Am I delirious or is that a Barney Miller reference?

and helium.

When they're timing their application of Crest White Strips. Duh.

I couldn't really see it on my lap-top either but I thought it was maybe showing the screws on the wall coming loose?