
or, they are possibly setting up a DB Cooper storyline. Do looking wistfully at a plane. DB=Don/Dick Bert, The Stranger, On the Road etc.

I don't think anything is stopping her from organizing some of the other women at McCann-Erickson to file a discrimination suit.

Joan's tragedy is that she has so much sex appeal in a very sexist world.

Your review has made me love this episode even more.

Bob might not be. And maybe Chick, but he hasn't met her yet. ;)

Ew, I know right? Him and his watery eyes.

Now we just need Emma to fall in love with her next.

They have also firmly established a possible genetic component for both mental illness (Norma's mother) and violence (Norman's father).

Those teeth!

Right?! My 15 year old daughter has a crush on him! (as do I natch)

Fun fact: Nestor Carbonell directed that episode. Definitely one of the best yet.

The number of staff in that store is probably really small. I think i'd remember working with anyone for the rest of my life. I thought it was weird Joan could even pretend she hadn't worked there.

Yes. This. If this is a B plus, I'm expecting some C's. This episode was close to perfect.

I agree. The montage of girls in his bed felt to me like it was supposed to be confusing. Like a room spinning when you're drunk.


How about that endless parade of bodies in the fur coats and the ones in Don's bed? The writers showed a lot of women volunteering to be faceless bodies. Not sure what the "message" was hereā€¦

It did bring into question whether Joan's position in the company is merely titular.

And the waitress is the Twilight mom.

Ken did say in this ep that was going to write about the firm. I think that's a pretty good prediction.

It's like everyone in Rick Nation could have brought a body (alive or dead) to make their point. Maggie: Gabriel, Glenn: Nicholas, Aaron & Darryl: Morgan (and their W ambush story), Rick: zombies. Drunk homicidal Pete was just the icing on the cake.