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    Having those involved moving on is not necessarily a bad thing however, the show would need to be retooled to get out of it's shortcomings under NBC. Get Matt Ryan and go from there. Doubt anyone would care some roles being recast or backstories redone, Ryan was only thing worthwhile to begin with.

    What hunt? He has to be in the new lair causing power drains on the computers trying to communicate.

    Ya, but only so much they can do in an hour show, and in a way they did, he was sitting in that room thinking things over when Ollie told him the bad guys were cops. He hadn't talked to Darhk yet, but was obviously still digesting Sara reanimation

    Somehwere in his island travels he must of come across John, Ollie wasn't shocked to see Darhk using magic, so it would make sense he knew someone to use it. And it may hint to Constantine reappearing in season finale to negate Darhks use of it

    Darhk had told him what he already thought, that the creature wasn't Sara yet. Though neither could know Ollie knows the one man that can unify her body and soul

    You mean the standing flip that dodged the net gun?

    Fladh handled Firestorm as well as it could have, but the entire focus of the episode was on Firestorm, with Harrisons return a foot note, which should have been bigger. Also made odd by Garrick disappearing act, how a guy from a different dimension with no other friends just disappears without a word is pretty

    Ray has to be resolved on Arrow to lead up, but this and next episode should have left it alone. This week the focus was on Lance, as well as Oliver running for mayor, it already had lead up for Sara to fully return next week, so Ray was just out of place taking up any time this week.

    Love the fact that they are bringing Constantine in, NBC destroyed the show before it started, but Matt Ryan did well despite weak story arks, and weaker support. Hopefully this will spin into a second chance for the character