Dread Ninja Roberts

Didn't they kill him? I thought I remembered them shooting him onscreen. Maybe it was just Implied that it was about to happen. It would be stupid to let him go.

Never go against a Sicilian writing staff when death is on the line.

I just had to Google him to catch the reference, though I'd pretty much guessed it. Then I found out that the building where I had my office for a year when I was in graduate school was named after him (Mendenhall Laboratory at Ohio State).

I just read something last week about how the line "said the actress to the Bishop" is the UK equivalent of "that's what she said". So I loved that line.

Also my go to music in those situations.    Though the associations changed when I became a parent and the best music to calm my infant daughter turned out to be Avalon .   Dark Side of the Moon also worked as long as I was sure to skip certain parts like the opening of Time .

I did "Bitch" a couple of weeks ago and it went over really well.

I spent the weekend out at the Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven Campout music festival.   It was one of the best weekends of my life.

I'm one.   My birthday was a couple of weeks ago and the celebration was my best ever.

The Hunger is quite good.   When that came out I was taking a cinema class in college and Tony Scott came and showed it and took questions afterwards (this was in a full-sized theater at USC).  He seemed a really nice guy too, though he had just done a bunch of commercials and was Ridley's brother at that point.  

Or find a stranger in the alps.

Considering how awesome these last episodes are, that seems to have worked out quite well.

It used to be a common thing to help people remember phone numbers back in the olden days.

I heard an interview with Joss on KROQ radio in LA when the DVD set came out and as I recall he said that getting the DVD's released was written into his contract when he signed for the show.   He said he knew there was a good chance that the show wouldn't make it and he wanted to be sure that people would get to see

The third one will have a framing segment but it is going to be very different.   They filmed it in LA a couple of weeks ago.   I'm not quite sure how what I saw will work as a framing segment, though it uses the same house as #2.   I think it may be set at an earlier time than #2 since there is an old lady and her

I Hate Disqus.   It seems to have merged various accounts on me without my telling it to.   I hate hate hate them.

I liked the better parts of #2 way more than anything in the first one and the weaker parts of #2 were about the same as the first film.