Dread Ninja Roberts

There are a lot of undocumented Irish in the USA and nobody ever makes a big deal about them being unwelcome.

The Sandinistas (and the US backed Contra rebels who fought them) were in Nicaragua. El Salvador had a nasty Civil war that overlapped it, but in El Salvador the rebels were on the left.

World War Z (the book) was a good example of doing that well.

He apparently went through some bad shit in El Salvador. So they gave him a backstory for being a badass.

Yeah, but they have so much fun whining about the issue.

Great story. I took my daughter (now 20) to one of the big radio station concerts (the KROQ Weenie Roast) a few years ago and the Foos did a surprise set. The totally won her over and they became her favorite band. I always like a few songs per album but they have a huge number of good songs piled up by now so

Rock Bottom is one of the best guitar jams ever.

There goes my Hero

Try harder? You want dick jokes then?

I think Wendy showed she could take care of herself when she dealt with the Cuban guy in the first episode of the season. Between that and the fact that the character is being played by Alicia Witt, my crush has been maxed out all season.

The actor is 17. I think the character is supposed to be a couple of years younger than that.

I was kind of surprised that dealing with the bodies was such a big deal to them. There is a whole lot of desert down there.

That pool would be so dangerous. And below it there would be a whole zone at risk.

As Ripley said to the android Bish….oh yeah.

Parsons came out of the closet a couple of years ago. It's a good thing that doing that gets less attention than it used to.

I thought so too. At one point I wondered if somebody had stumbled onto a Michone-style defense. That somehow being under the zombies would make them invisible to others, but that would be too nonsensical, even for this show.

Pyro Beth is hot.

I had the exact same reaction. The music has been great in the other episodes but that version of Mad World has just been used too many times.

I'm slightly older than she would have been but she would have known what was going on. I remember lots of talk and jokes about blow jobs on the school bus in Jr. High.

When I was in 6th grade my family moved to the far suburbs in Orange County, south of LA. Maybe the phone lines in that area were super sized to plan for additional growth but for a couple of years I could get calls into radio stations at an amazing rate (like winning two hours in a row-which totally freaked out