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    I was never a big fan of Tara's, but even I sat staring at my screen with, "…that's it?!" repeating in my head after the "resolution" (if you want to call it that) of the Tara/Lettie Mae storyline tonight. I feel like I should almost be offended that they wasted so much time just to get to that point tonight. It's

    I've been a defender of certain episodes this season, but I thought that this was by far the weakest episode so far. I wouldn't have even given it a C-. I'd give it a D-. As this review says, this episode just limped along. Barely anything happened in this episode. I can't figure out why the writers think we care so

    I found myself asking the same thing about the Bill flashbacks tonight. They seemed incredibly random at this point in the series. The only thing I've come up with is that the writers are really planning to kill him at the end of the series, and let him be reunited with his family, and are therefore re-introducing us

    It's because this show's timeline hasn't really progressed much. It's only been about 2 or 2 1/2 years since S1 in Shameless-time. Liam only being 3, four years later, is the same reason Ian would still be in high school now if he hadn't dropped out, and is only 17 in season 4, even though he was 15 in the first