
This show has disappointed me so thoroughly that my new curse is Betsy Fucking Ross when things go awry. Trust me on this, Show, thrusting the handsome mug of Clancy Brown in my face every week and reminding me of your former greatness is NOT helping. I'm so disenchanted that even Beharie and Mison seem to be phoning

Not impressed. Looks like I'm back to eating paint chips on Tuesday night. I'm as rude and nasty as the next person, but these girls make me want to go back to college just so I can put Nair in their conditioner bottles.
Line = crossed, shark = stomped into lifelessness and not even in the convenient walk in freezer.

It's like that boyfriend your friend tells you is quirky and then you meet him and realize that she is not only ignoring the red flags, she's shinnying up the pole and pulling them down herself. I kept thinking that a blind woman should have better instincts for the awkward pause turning into a harbinger of danger.

I'll see you a My Three Sons and raise a Hazel. A show so bad that even home sick from school and allowed daytime TV, it was the only thirty minutes a day where I was really sick.
I considered Mr. Ed a show about modern marriage and how everyone needed an escape from it. I must say I wasn't looking forward to ever

Daaamn, you almost got me tossed from the library. I need a laugh silencer of some sort. Preferrably one that doesn't involve slicing my jugular .

The visual look is nothing short of astounding. Granted, Fuller went overboard a few times and I don't think I would care for slo-mo blood droplets in every episode, but I was left riveted for the entire hour (with time out for a massive cat fight in the hallway but we've all been there).
The upshot is that I howl

Actually, I think the Russian guy is kinda handsome.

Fair enough, I didn't make myself clear- being an older and/or unattractive person myself, that wasn't the particular stone I was throwing. I just find Carson such a fuddy duddy uptight man I can't imagine him loosening up enough to well, let loose.

I was trying to imagine the wedding night (I know, why do I punish myself?) and all I could picture was wedding night scene in Young Frankenstein with the Monster in bed with his reading glasses and the paper.

Hell, I would happily watch an hour of Barrow being his lovely bastard self every week. Those costumes do him such justice.

Yes! That's what I get for taking my benadryl too early.

Why, she's not merely dead, she's 100 hundred percent really dead. Or whatever.

I wish they had shown a scene of Benjamin Franklin coming back to life and putting his head back on. C'mon, first season would have done it. I did fancy seeing Uncle Kindred being assembled and I really could have done without the Headless face mask but in all honesty, seeing Abraham bald wasn't going to work, so that

Best point made. I was like- no, oh, you need to ru.. oh, no. But she wouldn't have made it to the center of town without a parade of confused people behind her dressed as she was, black or not. It was poorly done and not the show I love.

You're right, there is something missing but I will say that I smiled a little when Abby walked out of the woods and I realized where this was going. That's a spark of my beloved show, whoever wrote that, do more, give them a raise, turn up the heat in their office, something! When it's a relief to be done with an

You are right. And I had forgotten about that Spratt nonsense. Honestly, haven't we seen enough servants on TV that we know they wouldn't behave like that in front of visitors. And I don't think for a minute that the Dowager wouldn't have shut that down in thirty seconds.

The only problem I had with all that is if they really were higher class than Isobel they never would have made mention of it, and definitely not at a dinner party in another's home. That was somewhat ridiculous.
But it was fun to see him tossed out.

They should take the piss and name #3 Carter.

I don't know if we're to believe that Katrina is stupid or that she's evil. With all the smack talk from Abby and Jenny, I'm going with evil- which would be a great plot! Imagine Icabod trying to decide if he should punch her in the face or dowse her magic thingamabob. It could work.
What didn't work is Hawley and his

I'm so glad Irving is back. That fact alone tells me how disappointing this season has been- last season I would be focused on what might happen next, now I'm just glad he's a familiar face- and his performance was heartbreaking in the best sense of the word. Bravo, Orlando Jones. You sir, killed it!
Now, I'm quite