William Taylor

This is a show still finding its feet, or do you need reminding it is ONE EPISODE IN? This is something people love so of course they are going to be wary of adaption, and comic readers are notoriously whiny when it comes to change (I know from experience) but discounting this adaption one episode in because it is not

Oh grow up

In 2010 was it normal for an A.V. Club writer to not know who Paul F Tompkins is? that is crazy

Fuck Mighty Boosh Vic and Bob should be popular outside of the UK

Oh shit and you make fun of self harmers as well!? you edgy fuck you

Wrong actually but thanks for playing!

A comment section filled with up their own arse posters who believe they know better than everyone else so belittle the articles subject matter…so any A.V Club article coment section then I guess

I don't remember any rape in D.R. and Quinch, I may have to read it again

Is that actually a possibility!? oh god I hope so

so basically "I liked it, they didn't, how dare they not like something I did" Yawn.

Fair enough, I just find Charlie Brookers Shtick to have become a little tiresome

Hopefully funnier though