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    Fu you dude. Get a life.

    The whole series sucks. They aren't funny, they aren't campy. These show are just the graveyard for out of work has been actors. I can't believe this is Tara Reid in number 5. God, she looks like she's a 70yr old hooker.

    Dreamland sucks.

    The college contestants have to be some of the dumbest contestants ever. And these are students that are doing well at their college?

    None of them should have won. Oscars are totally worthless.

    Nice antiwhite racist article. But I guess you can't be racist unless your white, isn't that the message from the black community?

    That fact is the Oscars are a joke. All of these actors are terrible. Really, Reese Witherspoon? YGTBSM

    The musical sucks.

    The show is still funny. My son likes it and he saw it the first time this year.