
Finding out where she bought the Terrible Towel was the pointless C3PO moment for me. Wasn't a single viewer wondering. They even gave him the stupid mug.

I thought it was a terrible episode of an otherwise good TV show.

Ditto. I thought the scene was awful well done given what it was trying to recreate and it was ballsy to even try it, frankly.
That said, the original version was the culmination of a 15-year relationship with the characters. The new one was only building on a 4-year relationship that is standing on the shoulders of

Of course Nicholas Meyer didn't even KNOW Star Trek, much less dislike it, when he was hired. And yet, here we are, 30+ years later wondering how much JJ has pissed on the holy relic he created (which, by the way, Gene Roddenberry hated, the same way he hated all the good work Meyer did saving Star Trek from itself).

I posted this somewhere else too, but don't the 72 frozen people who aren't in the middle of fighting with Spock have magic blood too? Wouldn't that be easier to obtain…?

Maybe that's the scene that got JJ the new gig.

Somehow the idea of OTS cast vs Borg w/ 2015 special effects sounds oddly appealing.

Speaking of deleted scenes, the credits listed both Wynona Ryder and Chris Hemsworth. Unless they were some how voices flying by as Kirk woke up, they must have done something that didn't make the cut…

Nick Meyer had a reasonable enough explanation too: It's a big ship and Chekov could have met him "off-camera." Shrug. not much point worrying about it 30 years later.

Only thing that really bugged me….wouldn't the other 72 frozen people have magic blood too? Then Spock can toss Khan off the floaty ship thingy if he wants to…