
Whether or not you're a hipster, the fact is that you and most people here seem to think you're clever and witty with your comments, when you're not. I have dealt with people like you my whole life, people who think that constant sarcasm and "witty remarks" will make people think they're smarter than they are, when in

You calling a teenage boy "delicate and milky white" is creepy and weird.

Also a WWF pay-per-view and a song by Stone Temple Pilots.

Loons = People who don't want to see children murdered. According to you.

I hate Carol now. She is an emotionless killing machine, and Sophia would be ashamed of what her mom has become.

You're talking about me, I presume.

I'd like to see you direct it better, you know-it-all shit.

You're disgusting.

Finally someone who gets it!

Then don't fucking watch it, asshole.

You hipsters need to be put in your place every now and then. You are not better tha anyone else. You are not smart, no matter how much you think you are.

I'm offended by people delighting in the death of a child. Fictional or not, it doesn't matter. I am offended by digusting perversion like this. You get off on seeing kids eaten alive. You are a sick fuck.

I bet you wanted the little girl in Schindler's List to die too for "carrying that stupid teddy bear".

I'm serious. Maybe I seem over-the-top at times, but this really upsets me, that people would take this much delight in seeing a child eaten alive by zombies. Yes, I know it's fictional, and yes, it's fine if you didn't like the character. But seriosuly, what did Sam ever actually do that was bad, or wrong? He reacted

*yawn* your comments now mean less to me than the food I shit out yesterday.

Yeah it would, for a hipster douchebag like you.

"Snark and jokes". Oh okay, how about this: It was so hilarious when the Governor almost raped Maggie! I wish he would have went all the way and impregnated her with a Lil' Governor! See, now I can fit in too. I can joke about child murder and rape too, just like all the "smart people" here.

Clever. Oh so clever. I bet you cheered when Lizzie died too, you sick fuck.

LOL!!! You don't even offend me anymore. You're so fake with your bullshit, and you're oviously a child or have a childlike mentality. You're just entertaining now.

I'm not a "moralist". For fuck's sake, I have to be labeled as something just because I don't want kids to die??? MR05 is a degenerate who says disgusting things. He deserves whatever he gets.