
MY comments are over the top??? I'm not the one going "YAY SAM DIED THAT KID DESERVED TO DIE I CHEERED WHEN THEY RIPPED HIS FLESH OFF!!!"

I don't have a problem with the fact Sam died. Okay? The character wasn't that great or important. But did I WANT him to die? No. Do I think the actor should die, as you said? No.

You're the only troll here. Name-calling, insults, wishing death on kids. You are a pure degenerate. And that's not name-calling, that's a FACT.

Name-calling is all you know. That's all you do, name-call and wish for kids to die.

You're the one wishing death upon children. And from what I can see, you're the worst one here.

I'm neither. I've already deduced that you're the biggest moron here. You can't even have a profile pic. Anonymous keyboard warrior dipshit.

You hipsters will never get it. If you don't like Sam, fine. If you're glad the character won't be on the show anymore, fine. But you're not just doing that. You are cheering the horrifying death of an innocent child character, and saying how glad you were that it was so graphic. That is perverted.

Everyone here seems to do nothing but rip on the show. Hell, I complain about things on it too, but the people here seem to get off on trashing EVERY SINGLE THING about it! Do they watch out of sick pleasure? Don't tell me about "real world lessons". You know damn well what I'm saying.

Wynstone, thank you for being a voice of reason here. Yes, a NORMAL person would be very upset by seeing a child getting eaten alive. Only a perverted mind would actually be delighted by it.

ITS A CHILD!!! It's not the Governor, or Negan, or the Wolves. It's an innocent child! Are you too stupid to realize that?

And there you have it. This degenerate is wishing for death upon a real child, not just a character. You sicken and disgust me, and I hope you are locked up before you can harm anyone.

Don't care about impressing any of you shitheads.

Because I don't want kids to die? In order to fit in on this board, I have to be an ironic, sarcastic hipster who cheers for the death of children?

It's a kid in the show. If you watch the show, you suspend disbelief. You view the characters as real people in the context of the story. For you to actually CHEER when a CHILD dies is DISGUSTING!!!

It's not that I care what people think of characters. What I have a problem with is people being DELIGHTED by the graphic death of a child, ficiotnal or not.

Yes, I watch South Park. But I don't reference it because I think it makes me cool, unlike you.

Because I don't want to murder them like you do?

You're an idiot.

Another South Park reference. You're a genius.

I can see how compassion would be construed as a "strange fetish" to someone like your kind, which lacks any kind of brains or emotions. I really feel bad for you.