
Then why do you watch it?

You same people also cheered when Lizzie died. I know it's fictional, but my god, have some human decency, people.

Then why are you, or anyone here, watching the show if all you do is complain and say how much you hate it? Pathetic.

Oh a South Park reference. How you impress me with your pointless knowledge of tv shows.

"No one's actually cheering the death of a child".

Why? Because he was scared in the FUCKING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE??? Maybe YOU deserve to die for wishing death upon a child.

What the hell is wrong with all of you people, cheering the graphic death of a child on a tv show? Oh, "it's okay because he was annoying". I would like to seriously know what is wrong with all of you mentally diseased perverts. "Oh, we're so sarcastic and clever with all of our comments." Constant sarcasm and irony,

Why were my comments deleted?

And oh yeah, I thought Kim Kardashian was dead in the South Park universe? Remember the end of "Scrotie McBoogerballs"?