
As someone who fences, I laughed my a** off at that scene. It was beyond ridiculous. :)

I remember sitting on the edge of my seat, going 'Please, please, please' during the War Doctor's regeneration, thinking to myself, 'Oh my god, maybe Eccelston IS going to cameo' and then as you said, total devastation.

I think a lot of those certain 'fangirls' are finding it no problem to swoon over Capaldi's doctor, judging by what I've seen—it's the character that the majority of us fans love. :)

Watching one robot ride another robot dinosaur is literally the only reason I will go see this movie. :)

So ridiculous. Like the article says, you can show Hannibal eating human flesh, but WHOA, OMG IS THAT PERSON SMOKING?! QUICK, TIMMY, COVER YOUR EYES!

Agreed. You sum up how I feel perfectly.

Wow!! That's insane that people can mess that up.

My friend and I played this together, and we had lots of fun. But yes, it is just pretty much a hack n' slash.

Google "Cats that look like Toothless." I have a black cat that reminded me of Toothless so much that I almost named him that. :)

Oh that's good to know. I was surprised by how few movies had a A score here.

Hmm, granted I've never written a movie script before (or any script for that matter ;) ) Kirk's struggle would definitely be an important plot point in my script though, along with probably some other developments to flesh out the story and give it some depth for a movie's running time.

Oh that's a tough question! But I think ultimately, I would probably have an external threat that brings up an inner conflict with Kirk's character—something like, 'Do I sacrifice X in order to save Y? How do I reconcile who I am and what I value and believe, with what I have to do in order to deal with this external

Just curious Jack, have you watched any Deep Space Nine? In the Original Series, what you write holds up, but a lot of Deep Space Nine dealt with a darker side of the Federation, and some very corrupt goings-on in Starfleet (such as 'unofficially' authorizing genocide through a branch called Section 31). It would be

The Samuel Colt: Frontier Days would be awesome! : )

Yes! I'd love something like that. :)

A Supernatural spin-off I'd watch would be one about Ellen and Jo, it could take place in the past and show their hunting days. Or one with John Winchester and his early years of hunting. Or something with the Men of Letters, or a Crowley spinoff. Like when Crowley was just starting out as a demon…so many cool

: )

I used to clean up on PS2 games when they still had them in stores. You could find some decent games for 2/3 bucks.

Please tell me that no one actually wears the same pair of underwear for 7 years. *shudders*

Loved that one! HISHE is so funny! : )