
It's like, how much more black could Taylor Swift's social media accounts be? And the answer is none, none more black

What kind of sick mind would leave a comment??

Hey, how come people don't have dip for dinner? Why is it only a snack, why can't it be a meal? I don't understand stuff like that

The Monkees weren't about music, the were about rebellion! And political and social upheaval !

Which popular character from the Star Wars prequels will be appearing in Rogue One? If you said "Bail Organa" you're wrong. He was never popular

Hey, anyone know where I can get that tea that causes diarrhea? I have to do a little spring cleaning

Newswire turned into Great Job, Internet so gradually I didn't even notice

It's true! We're so lame

What's wrong with being sexy?

To us, he was Doomsday the Consensus Builder

Michelle Pfeiffer? Ha! The only true cat woman is Julie Newmar, Lee Meriweather, or Eartha Kitt. And why doesn't Batman dance anymore?

Technology is cyclical

Jezebel is this really cool feminist website where women talk about how far they've come and which celebrities have the worst beach bodies

Those Simpsons writers are always making fun of that Trump guy. He must work there or something