
Yes, including the queen's personal physician, Roderigo Lopez, who was tried and torture-executed for plotting treason and assassination of Elizabeth in 1594.

Minor historical errata: The Jews were expelled from England by Edward I (1239-1307) in 1290 via the "Edict of Expulsion," which followed up on his earlier (1275), restrictive "Statute on the Jewry." Richard II (b. 1367-r.1377-1399-d.1400) ruled a still essentially Jew-less England, although his grandfather (Edward

Almost all of these comments should have been inserted as footnotes to the main text.

I remember seeing some research (big data-style) about the massive percentage of violent crimes being the work of the smallest cohort (2-5%?) of violent criminals…it was an even more skewed version of the old 80-20 rule, in any case. I wonder whether similar data would show for DUI offenses…roughly something like 80%

"Tonight, on 'Wings'…ah, who cares?"

Will Forte be the Jew, the Italian, or the Red-Head Gay?

It WAS! Robert Romanus. And we thought he would never be seen again

Was it my imagination, or was the commercial director played by Damone from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"

The show also had a soft spot for Buffalo Tom (once dismissed in my favorite shit sandwich-style record review as "Dinosaur Jr. Jr."), featuring both additions to the soundtrack in several episodes and a plotline in one about going to see them in concert.