
I think that the judges always claim that you should do something good for yourself and something good for your partner at this ressemblances challenges. My inputs are:

I wouldn't say a C+, but is definitely the lowest of the season so far, wich doesn't diminish Bob's perfomance at all. She was briliant.

You're so right about Michelle, that even Carson has realized that. She's getting beyond boring with inputs such as "you're gettin' lost in this dresses", "I want to see the real you". This is why, I think, editing isn't trying to cover the disagreements that pops up during her insights. I loved Santino exactly

Sleeping on it already. I feel sorry for the queen that becomes protegé of Ru, such as Fame last season. The audience isn't stupid.

The competition is not about Snatch Game. "Saving" your a-game for the next day, may be a bad idea, cause the next day you might be home with your (many, in this case) other poor skills.

Wherever you are, I salute you. Excluding Naysha, I'd suffer seeing any queen's departure from next episode on, except for Derrick. She's painful to watch, clearly self-centered, thinks too much of herself and is never entertaining to watch. I wanted her gone from day one. Now I just want her gone.

On board with Chichi. She's definitely someone to look for, it's devastating how truthful and genuine she is. I love her from day one.
As for the lipsync, pretty much like Rusical had some low points, the portion of the Lady Bitches was verrryyyyy boring… I liked Glamazonian Airways better.

I'll have to quote some redditor that made me laugh for days: This season HAS everything: cucu, cha cha, kim chi, chi chi, oh my god, is that britney spears?!

I was mesmerized when I saw her. She's beyond amazing.

Oooooh! I would die for a Ross Perot type character! LOL
Portrayed by David Letterman or Steve Martin.

Agreed completely. But let's recognize: she's slaying on her acting. I'm jaw dropping through each episode.