Actually is wife would have to have died too, my wife would never tolerate me talking so much about an ex girlfriend and how much I loved here… even less to my kids!!!
Actually is wife would have to have died too, my wife would never tolerate me talking so much about an ex girlfriend and how much I loved here… even less to my kids!!!
They are really making him way too whiny, I am getting fed up with this guy. Get over her already. I thought that the show had moved passed that point but they brought it back again… I guess they are running out of ideas on how to stretch that week end.
Sure, having people you don't love keep telling you they love you is no burden for anyone…
Yeah I expected some bird to hit her or something, that could have just perhaps saved that scene.
That was simply horrible, then again the entire show has given up on having anything to do with reality and keeps piling on the ridiculous over the top moments with no credibility what so ever. Marshall sees double Lillys, Barney finds a strip bar in the middle of nowhere… The notion of Ted still harping on about his…
People are oddly not robots, she was conflicted and not willing to kill him (Sherlock). As to why she didn't kill CAM that was obvious, if she did that, Watson would have been the prime suspect since he had entered the premises illegally.
"McCarthy's character was out of breath for some reason… "
LOL!, I'm sure you could think of a reason.
He doesn't, except when compared to her. That makes him look a lot better than he is.
This A- rating is the funniest thing about last night's SNL.
They've basically shown quite a few other actresses as girlfriends for Ted, some of which could have easily been the wife. I find that this one reminds me a little too much of Lilly.and having her have virtually the same personality as Ted and exact same interests as he does is a bit lazy too.
Which Lennon album are you referring to? Just curious. I have double fantasy which is 50% ok, having to skip over all the Yoko Ono tracks really makes listening to this record a chore though.
I wondered if that was actually in the script (a pretty bad line even if you want to indicate confusion) or an acting mistake they decided to keep.
An "excellent" callback that turned out to be pointless. So perhaps it was not so excellent at all. Besides making me think for one second or two that this was a repeat of the pilot, re-using the same scene twice for no reasons seems more lazy then excellent.
The moment Nick doesn't tell his wife about her friend's…
Wow, I am normally pretty forgiving of this show but this episode was a complete bore. Sheldon attempting to analyze comedy is old news, that Penny's scene would be cut off was a given from so many other sitcoms before. The When Harry Met Sally diner seen rip off was just the cherry on the 10 times re-heated and stale…
The fact that the 5 other top book stories are about comic books almost gives away the answer to the title question.
Being bilingual is way cooler than monolingual anything. And finding a Francophone that can't understand or speak a little English in Montreal is not that easy.
I don't really see what is at odds, the scene and music are poignant and bitter sweet. The score is loud but it is not a joyful theme there is definite sorrow and melancholy in it.
The only thing I wonder in this thread is why an obvious trolls is getting fed so well.