
I'm a bit surprised you thought crucifixion for Floki's punishment. I mean obviously I see it, but I was thinking more along the lines of Loki, chained to a rock with snake poison dripping on his head. Particularly since Ragnar says something to the effect of "I borrowed the idea from the gods."

The photo at the top of this piece convinces me that Beiber would make a compelling Caligula…

Besides, that title can be read as a Community reference *sniff,* which immediately makes NBC the worst again.

Seems a bit harsh Todd. For my money, it took them a full season of boring set-up, but they finally hit on a status quo that can take this show to interesting places. And the finale really felt like they were embracing the comic book of it all: the cheesy one-liners, the surrealism (like Fury's ridiculously awesome

That was…odd. Not "Advanced Introduction to Finality" bad, but definitely odd. I know the point is usually made that Abed is for all intents and purposes aware that he's a character on a TV show, but I found his breaking of the fourth wall here weirdly egregious. Typically when he's commenting on an episode's sitcom

Agent Gutshot Makemaday!