
My point was more that the author is either clueless about the "causes" of Hitchens and Dawkins (secular humanism), or he is attempting to have a cheap shot at them because of his pre-existing unstated biases.

The biggest, but not only, mistake in this article is: "like so many other prominent atheists (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, etc.), Maher never tied his atheism to any meaningful cause beyond rejection of its dogma." Wow. So what you are trying to say is that the secular humanism of Dawkins and Hitchens is

Already exists: Picobrew

I love craft beer and now I respect Bourdain waaaay more than I did before reading this. You don't sniff beer to take in the aromas. You don't gently sip it to see how it interacts with the different part of your palate. And you absolutely don't take fucking notes. You drink it in NOTHING LESS than at least one full

"It definitely conveys the hate" hhaahahahaha, I want that on a t-shirt.

Oh, puhlease, read between the lines: it's a song about a stoner going thru paranoia.

The ending of BSG turned a science fiction show into a theology fiction show.