
Unless it was Wells (Barry) as the Flash and someone else as RF?

View it on a high def TV… The Flash ring is clearly visible throughout the scene. They zoom in and keep the camera focused on the neck.

Did you notice he had keys to the house??? Maybe good old Joe is gettin' a little somethin', somethin'?????

I never thought of that, but I do like those Earth-3 villains!

Yes, Wells amorality is what bugs me as well. I can't see Barry as a murderer either. I don't think that Wells is Reverse Flash, but is impersonating him to help train Barry.

Who is that guy in the yellow suit? Last weeks episode, "The Nuclear Man" pretty much
told us that Wells is a future/alternate Barry. Watch the episode at about 37:10. Wells is
in his secret room, he removes a pistol from the RF display and chambers a round. The camera angle then switches to a rear view as Wells

It's been stated he was 11 at the time of his mother's murder, 15 years ago. That would make him about 26.

I used to scoff at the idea that Wells is a future/alternate version of
Barry until last week. In The Nuclear Man at about 37:10, Wells is in
his secret room. He removes a hidden pistol from the RF display,
chambers a round and then reaches around to rub his neck. This is where
Barry was (almost) shot an episode or