Tina M.

What on Earth do you mean? Casablanca, Sunset Boulevard, The Maltese Falcon, Vertigo, countless other examples… in all, the "backstory" (or more accurately the substance and history of the characters) is crucial??? In a good narrative, I feel like the past history of the character should deeply inform why and how they

THANK U this seemed horrible in every way to me. Who wants their boss seeing that they're on Twitter or YouTube all day?

Feel like the most interesting aspect of this story — how much we want to ignore the gravity of soldiers' experiences, so they can be used an uncomplicated paragons of heroism, yet we treat them like inhuman pawns — was barely glanced on until the final moments. The roaches are human twist could have been the first

For most of the episode I was convinced that regardless of whatever else these people had done, simply searching "remove malware" and downloading the first result made them deserve whatever craziness happened

This was an odd episode. I feel like some serious information was missing in order to make me even remotely conflicted. For example, several comments talk about "mob rule" dooming these people. But was this really mob rule? We didn't get much of a sense as to who was behind this, other than their use of a meme, which

I largely hated Kenny throughout the episode and wound up sympathizing with him way more after the reveal (probably even more so because I glibly guessed the twist early on as the only reasonable way he would be this upset about the webcam video and was surprised to see that I was right).

holy shit Alyssa bringing her daughters along would have been legendary (not to be confused with Leg… and Dairy).

The voguing outfits she and her mom wore were very Russian ladies outside of a Brighton Beach nightclub yelling at their Serbian boyfriends on flip phones.

Yes, I agree. I think she pushed herself to achieve more with her looks in the period between S7 and All Stars (this is me coming just off of bingeing seven, though, so it's fresh in my mind). For example I loved the Missoni mushroom cut from last episode, the techno Euro sweatsuit from the week before, and her two

I really wish the final look better matched her description (more luxe materials perhaps? A different silhouette? BETTER WIG??) because I was LIVING during it.

That's true, but tons and tons of people were watching the series this year. Like literally over eight million viewers watched over the course of the first 6 episodes.

The moral outrage about this and about the whole "I'll send you 10k on PayPal" thing is very… odd to me.

I don't understand how this show doesn't have better people writing the scenes/composing the original music yet. I know SO MANY writers who would kill to write Showgirls sketches for $10/hr.

i would sell all 4 of my limbs for the chance to write for that series.

I was thinking last night, it's kind of a Faustian bargain: she finally got the crown she deserves, but lost her place as the underrated fan favorite.

So most of this finale comes down to wishing Katya stood a chance against the juggernaut that is Alaska. Usually, the show can trick us into thinking that the juggernaut is the underdog, but that didn't really work this time.

I liked the super basic "a super powerful fan is blowing at them" or some such thing crazy photoshoots

Bizarre, honestly. There seemed to be an above average amount of times that the critiques weren't simply divided into "safe" and top 3/bottom 3, and would announce a winner right at the beginning of the deliberations, or would weigh the runway portion super heavily or super lightly, depending on the week. The team

my name is alyssa edwards and I'm here to say
if I look in a mirror, I can't turn away

I recently rewatched Season 7 (because I hate myself?) and Miss Violet was SERVING IT EVERY WEEK. I feel like the effect was muted because there were so many other queens with a similar aesthetic on the season. It was like the week where Kim Chi's Madonna kimono was lessened by the 9 other kimonos that came out on the