Tina M.

1. Consistency always wins the day on RPDR, and Alaska gave the most comprehensively consistent performance the show has ever seen (maybe tied with Bianca del Rio). I wish she'd had the chance in this episode to really explain and demonstrate all the ways that she's grown since first appearing on the show. She went

o shit

When they put out the first teaser with the tag "RuDemption," I really thought there was a chance it would be filled with redeemed villains/under appreciated gone too soon types. Still think it would be a great angle for AS3

That's fucking ridiculous. Y'all… this fandom sometimes.

Here's where I put on my tinfoil hat: I feel like Logo doesn't really care about the T leaking every season because then they can gauge some reactions

I think a lot of this is due to the intensity of watching week to week — this episode was designed to elicit the emotional response that Alaska is a villain, from the opening moments to the meltdown, and people are responding to that.

I'm actually kind of sympathetic to the "bribery" part. Having "won" $40 grand is not the same as getting a check for $40 grand, taking it to the bank, depositing it, and then logging into chase america dot com to make sure it cashed. It must have felt pretty abstract. It's a shitty comment but it was clearly a joke

Usually being "pageant" is looked down on on this show, but I think Alyssa's attitude all three times she's been eliminated demonstrates that sometimes years of being required to put on a smile and say thank you every time you lose can actually make you a gracious competitor.

I was a S7 Trixie hater! Have warmed to her a lot more since, mostly through her web show with Katya. I think they bring out the best in one another.

Well THAT was quite a ride.

Not only did she just focus on brows, the only advice she gave was basically "if you have no eyebrows, draw some on!!"

hello Roxxxy my old friend

Goddammit Disqus ate my comment. Well here's the Clif Notes version:

Katya was far and away the best (and… only) TV star to come out of Season 7, but her performance as a competitor was pretty mixed.

Frankly, even if Roxxxy left last week her legacy would be secure. PhiPhi pulled a lot of focus away from the Season 5 girls.

2. Ru should pull the ol' Darienne Lake and send her home before the finals… just cuz

I lived in LA for like 2 years but happened to be right in that neighborhood so I feel like such an ~insider~ every time they drop jokes like that. I used to spend so much time skulking around the Brite Spot hoping they would be shooting

and people can't just blindly apply to pitch this man a TV show via LinkedIn

Well I literally went to television comedy writing school, and it was basically evenly split between men and women. Same thing for the animation and film departments as far as I could tell.

"I don't want shows to hire a woman just for the sake of having a woman in their team."