Tina M.

he really is the TV budget version of Chris Hemsworth

I do think she could have spared the whole "I don't NEED to talk it out because it's just so OB-vious" thing and just been like "no thanks." I know it seems minor but this is Phi Phi "I don't want to be a reality TV villain anymore" O'Hara we're talking about.

Maybe they just expected that we'd already knowwwww

okay, yes! This was so weird because it was completely unremarked upon and unless I missed something Freedia wasn't in the Thelma and Weezy sketch

I feel like it's almost better because now the moment after the elimination (heretofore known as "The face crack of the millennium") makes Phi Phi look even worse because for no reason, she starts talking shit and making it seem like she was the one to send Alyssa home!

1) I think what saved me on Phi Phi this week was when, apropos of nothing, SO unnecessarily, she started going IN on Alyssa, and going SO FAR… and then the reveal. Watching Phi transform unwillingly into a villain is like watching Jeff Goldbum turn into a fly: almost too much, but too captivating to look away. And

I suspect they weren't sure who would bear the brunt of the resentment for the "unexpected" elimination last week, Alyssa or Katya, so they decided to put both in the bottom. Feel like Phi Phi was a bit overpraised in order to put her in the top for drama reasons as well. I mean, it's reality TV so I can't blame them

More invested in this exchange than in the AHS premiere, tbh. American Horror Story: Trump's America is the true terror and you are fighting valiently

I was very not interested with Rabe, Tara's mom, and the other guy as the real people because it removed the stakes of finding out if they make it out alive (no one even had their hair turn white from shock or some such thing!). But this alternative theory has roped me back in. Thank you!!

Just cracked myself up imagining him as a ghost hunter

American Horror Story: Should We Leave This House?

In retrospect Coven still has a terrible ending but is overall a much better viewing experience than Freak Show, in my opinion.

But Gia and Alaska have amazing chemistry!

True!!! Psychological opposites

… gurl

Detox always came across to me like she wants to be a villain, but is too scared to do anything really "villainous"

Katya and Alyssa have basically the exact same schtick: queens who can paper over their flaws by being entertaining and engaging reality TV personalities (who can also dance well and make people laugh, either intentionally or seemingly obliviously). At least on RPDR, they obviously have very different backgrounds

I was trying to justify it to myself like "ok, you've been hoping that they don't just bring back one queen the way they always do, but when they inevitably do, it's got to be Katya. Maybe she will do Total RuCall episodes about being sequestered in the hotel. It'll be fun, we'll all have a laugh, this won't ruin All

*shade rattle*

I think my first step would be to stop offering people advice, solicited or not, constructive or not. They can't edit what you don't say!