If Phi Phi hadn't evolved into Form Of: Cosplay Queen in her offseason and rolled up with an OK but nothing special runway look, what the fuck were they going to say about her performance??? "You screamed your name over and over a lot. Great job!"
If Phi Phi hadn't evolved into Form Of: Cosplay Queen in her offseason and rolled up with an OK but nothing special runway look, what the fuck were they going to say about her performance??? "You screamed your name over and over a lot. Great job!"
true true all 3 are part of the constellation that make up My Personal Faves but Alaska is shining brightest by far right now
Alyssa may be barely aware of her physical surroundings, but she knows well enough not to become the villain of the season by eliminating Katya.
Ohhhh, that makes a lot more sense; I was like "did Sharon even live in LA then????" through that whole scene
Hah! Probably more like Stockholm Syndrome
I was infuriated that her mic pac and corset were so visible! The swimsuit wasn't tight enough to disguise the bulges and yet tight enough that every bump was obvious. Amateur hour
I agree that Tati really is clever (you saw a slight glimpse of it with her "nouns" joke), but unfortunately she didn't really get any good setups because Ariana Grande isn't as well-known or as naturally broadly comic as Britney is. Ru was able to lob her easy jokes as Brit and she surprised everyone by finding…
I feel like that monologue is seared on my soul forever.
Sharon's Caitlyn is so, so, so, mean… and yet so funny
Personally, I wanted some clarity on the show's themes, and what tied these people together into one narrative. Was it about how the justice system turns innocents into criminals? Well, according to Freddy Naz was still as pure as the driven snow, and all of the complicated reveals about how Naz was actually a drug…
I feel like one of the show's flaws is that I had no idea how long they were deliberating. Obviously it took more than one day, but since there were no other time indicators, it could have been like 3 weeks of waiting and there would have been no way to tell.
That actor (Peyman Maoddi) is frequently cast as characters from all over the Middle East/Southeast Asia even though he has the STRONGEST Iranian accent. He's a good performer and I really felt for Naz's dad but I agree kind of distracting
I think the motivation you mention is there, it's just underserving the character to have that expressed through a kiss rather than, say, focus more on her stupid choice to have him testify.
It sure was, especially since Naz is left-handed, and I'm pretty sure that would affect where the wounds were and how the blood spattered. Since like 90% of people use their right hand, wouldn't that be one of the first fucking things either side would be looking for??
I'm not arguing that it SHOULD be more accessible, only that I suddenly realized how not accessible it is after watching someone else be totally lost. Generally, I've watched the show either alone or with fellow fans, so I've never noticed just how many great inside jokes, references, and meta-layers are in the show…
You know what, I agree with you: "Biological Woman/Psychological Woman" was inarguably the show's worst moment, so in a review of RPDR, saying "cisgender woman" or even just "woman" would have been a better choice.
I attempted to show my sister this episode, who has never seen the show before, and I was struck by how little makes sense if you're not already deeply obsessed with RPDR. But I can't be upset at the inaccessibility, because it just makes each moment so layered with inside jokes and drama and reality TV conventions…
As a cisgender woman, I don't think drag really has much to do with womanhood at all… it's about taking femininity, something that exists in all of us, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of gender and sexuality, and exaggerating aspects of it to create a character.
You could see the fear in Coco's color contacts when Ru said that you can't lipsync to save yourself
*bang swipe*